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Death and Dying

When a characters body is reduced to zero or lower he begins to bleed out.  Each character has two stages of death, each stage being three minutes long, second stage being more difficult to be healed from than the first.  If the character is not seen to or healed before the six minutes are up the character is dead.  Dead characters must wait one hour to be discovered.  Dead characters will be taken to the nearest Tree of Fate.  Once at the Tree of Fate the deceased will have their opportunity to plead their case with Fate, at which point they will be judged by Fate.  If deemed worthy their life will be restored to them, giving them another chance.  Character’s chance of coming back is diminished by the number of times that they have visited Fate at the Tree of the Damned.  If an hour passes and their body has not been brought to the Tree of Fate then player should don an OOG head band, and report to logistics.  If the body is completely destroyed (examples:  burned, eaten, etc…) the character should immediately don an OOG head band and report to logistics. 

When a character dies and must be brought back from Fate, Fate will make a D100 roll.  Fate must roll under a percentage equal to the number of Deaths the character currently possesses at the time of death x 5.  If Fate rolls under this number, then the character is sent back to the mortal realm to walk Panthos once more.  If Fate rolls over this number, then the character is brought to the underworld to live out his afterlife serving Fate.

If a character permanently dies, the player gains 20% of his Earned Build (not including starting) towards a new character.

If a character is willingly retired, the player gains 10% of his Earned Build (not including starting) towards a new character.  

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