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After the death of Adam, Isabella cried for 300 days; one day for every year he lived.  These tears soaked the earth and stirred life in the inanimate rocks that dotted the landscape. Thus, the Stoneborn came to be.


Physical Description

Stoneborn are made of rock. The type of rock varies greatly depending on the earth that Isabella’s tears fell upon, thus there really isn’t a proverbial “mold” that all Stoneborn adhere to. 


The common Stoneborn has an incredibly bulky exterior. The stone that forms their bodies offers a natural armor against physical harm.  This armor is handy in preserving the tears of Isabella that reside in their core. When a Stoneborn has fallen, these tears flow out just like blood would from a Human. When a Stoneborn has fallen and Fate cannot bring them back, these tears flow into the earth and create a new Stoneborn.



The Stoneborn gather in groups around pools of Isabella’s tears. These groupings are called Ponds. The civilization set up around these pools is governed by the eldest Stoneborn. There are many other necessary jobs in the Pond, like the Historian.


The Historians are an integral part of Stoneborn society. You see, as each and every Stoneborn eventually dies, then gets reborn into a new body, the Historian keeps account of their previous lives.  The documented lives are then guarded incredibly well, as it gives the new Stoneborn a sense of who he or she used to be. 


Another valued position in the Pond is a Collector. Stoneborn burst from the earth fully-grown, however their minds are fresh, like an infant’s. Thus, if the new Stoneborn isn’t found in a reasonable amount of time, they usually are felled due to inexperience and naivety. The Collectors search the surrounding areas of their Pond’s daily, looking for new Stoneborn to bring back.


Some Stoneborn desire a connection to another. While unconventional, the need to be significant to someone can plague certain Stoneborn enough that they act upon it.  Permanently draining tears from their bodies and letting it flow into the earth will create another Stoneborn. It will weaken the “Parent” significantly, and for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough tears inside just one Stoneborn to do this without draining themselves completely and springing up from the stone as a fresher version of themselves. To remedy this, one Stoneborn will find another who desires such a connection and they will each drain a bit of themselves to create one new “child.”


Racial Advantages:
Starting Body: 3

Skill Name: Natural Armor
Description: Stoneborn start with 10 Natural Armor.


  • Effect: Passive

  • Range: -


Skill Name: Stoneskin 
Description: Stoneborn gain +1 Soak.


  • Effect: Passive

  • Range: -


Purchasable Racial Skills:
Earthblood 5 Build, 1 Energy: A Stoneborn with this skill can repair 2 Natural Armor for each 1 Energy spent on this skill. This can be done in any amount at one time. This skill requires 5 Minutes of Roleplaying and is only usable on himself or other Stoneborn.


  • Effect: Physical

  • Range: Touch


Fearless 5 Build:  A Stoneborn with this skill is immune to Fear.  This does not grant immunity to Interrogate.


  • Effect:  Passive

  • Range: -


Natural Armor 1 Build: The character gains +1 Natural Armor. This can be purchased up to a maximum of 40 times.


Racial Detriments: 
Fragile Core: Stoneborn start with 3 Body.


Unusual Form: Stoneborn cannot wear armor of any kind.

Costuming Requirements: Gray or black paint on any exposed skin and rock prosthetics or a rock face mask.

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